When our daughter Avery was born in 2017, I began shopping online and supporting small businesses and quickly found myself involved in the small shop and brand rep world. I loved it! I loved taking her pictures and creating her own instagram account of her modeling all the product I had bought! But every time I got a new t-shirt I thought to myself, "I can make this." And finally after two years of just talking and thinking about it, the time was finally right! We had just settled into a bigger home and Avery was old enough where I could start focusing on something other than just her, so we began to write out our business plan and our small t-shirt shop that was once an idea had quickly become a reality! Oh My Jeez, we are really doing this! 

Why Oh My Jeez?
It took us FOREVER to decide on a name and then one day it just clicked. If you know me personally, then you have probably heard me say, "OH EM GEE" far too many times. When our daughter was just beginning to talk, she started saying "oh my jeez" to everything (she's dramatic just like her mother) and soon we realized she was trying her best to copy me! So here we are, two years later and our whole family says this phrase at lease 10x a day! Oh my jeez! I bet you'll be saying it now too! 

Now that we are a full year into OMJ, I can't help but smile at what we have accomplished and what is to come for our little tee shop. Thank you for taking the time to read this, to support us, and to shop small. You are the best! 

-Dana, Aaron and Avery 

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